All sales professionals deal with questions and objections, some fear such questions. Actually, objections are our best friends. Asking a question or raising an objection indicates interest or feeling. True selling professionals look forward to questions and objections because they realise that few sales are made without the prospects having enough interest to ask questions and raise objections.

Once a prospect says no, they are not going to change their minds and buy from us. However, they will make a NEW DECISION BASED ON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The answer “no” means that the prospects don’t “know” enough to make the right decision. Never argue with them, just understand that we have not finished our job and accept the responsibility for going back and providing the information needed.

We can look at a concept that will allow us to handle real objections in an efficient and effective way so that we can close more sales more often. When objections occur, the professional salesperson will get Q.U.I.E.T.

Q. Begin with a QUESTION

U. We must ask Questions so that we can UNDERSTAND the objection.

I. Once we understand the objection, we must IDENTIFY the objection.

E. To identify the proper objection (and not be fooled by a false objection), we must EMPATHISE with the prospect.

T. If we empathise instead of sympathise with the prospect, we are ready to TEST the objection. When we test the objection and prove it real, we can eliminate the prospect’s concerns and dramatically improve our chance of making the sale.

The questions asked will lead to Understanding and Identifying the objection.

(Adapted from “The Ultimate Handbook for the Complete Sales Professional – Ziglar on Selling”, Chapter 11 – Closing More Sales More Often – A Q.U.I.E.T Method for Overcoming Objections, by Zig Ziglar)

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