I am very honoured to receive The Passionate Blogger Award from my Big Sister and fellow blogger, iWalk, U2?. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for the above award !!!
Right now, I am going to award The Passionate Blogger Award to my bloggers network, whom I have read and followed through blogging !
Here are the rules :
The rules :
1. Put the logo in your blog
2. Write five things you are passionate about apart from blogging
3. Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.
Five things I’m passionate about apart from blogging :
(1) Photography
(2) Travel
(3) Eating
(4) Hiking
(5) Football
The Passionate Blogger Award is now passed on to ……..
(1) iWalk, u2?
(2) Jack Lan
(3) Brian Lam
(4) SGBoleh
(5) Eastcoastlife
(6) Cashmere
(7) Xinyun
(8) Pu Niao
(10) Mei Teng
(11) Seen This Scene That
(12) Chromodynamics
Happy Blogging, my fellow Passionate Bloggers !
Hey JH!
Thanks for thinking of me and for giving me the award.. I’ll try my best to post this up before I leave. If not, it’ll be after I come back.. Thank you once again! 🙂
Congratulations to you on being awarded and thank you very much, Geng Hui, for thinking of my blog!
Hey thanks for the award!! 🙂
Thanks for the award and congrats for earning the award too 🙂
hey JH, thanks for the award 🙂
Dear Jinghui,
thank you for the award and I really appreciate it. Much loves and hugs too!!
Pu Niao
Haha, Thanks JH, So we both love eating, Great!
Thank you for listing me as one of the great photographers
Really appreciated!