9th August 2019, this is Singapore’s National Day. First and foremost, wishing Happy 54th Birthday Singapore!

It had been a year of mixed emotions and feelings, Singapore had its own internal issues to handle and external matters to manage and overcome, with all the trade spats around the world today, well published and publicised all over the news and social media.

The year 2019 is also Singapore’s Bicentennial year, this was something special for me to learn more in-depth about Singapore before the milestone year 1819 when Sir Stamford Raffles first landed on Singapore. The history of Singapore goes way back further before 1819, we are just opening up to learn and embrace this part of history that we don’t know much about. Personally, I am still learning more about the earlier history before Singapore’s Bicentennial.

Coming back in time, to the current Singapore today. The transformation had been a huge eye opener, the changes at times, had been fast and furious, sometimes good, sometimes bad. The relentless pace, had been a strain on the mental and physical well-being. While it can be and had been tiring and sometimes painful, changes are necessary to evolve, adapt and adopt, in a new age world today, marked by technological disruptions, internet and social media growth.

Different parts of the world today are having quite a bit of quarrelling and bickering, putting a strain to world/countries relationships and partnerships. Singapore is also both directly and indirectly affected by all these world economic matters and delicate situations. We are not perfect either, having our own house matters to sort out.

No place in the world is perfect, every place has their own good and bad points. Singapore, a place I call home, has its own domestic and international challenges to overcome. On the 54th birthday of Singapore, I just hope that Singaporeans can rise up to the challenges ahead, we cannot and must not be complacent, we need to learn, improve our skills and knowledge, be more caring and tolerant in a world flooded by social media.

Oh yes, visit my photography and travel portal/blog and check out my NDP 2019 rehearsals coverage!

This is home truly, Singapore! Wishing Singapore a Happy 54th Birthday! Have a great celebration and to all Singaporeans, have a good long weekend holiday!

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