“All our dreams can become realized if we have the courage to pursue them in spite of our fears.” -Walt Disney

Everyone of us has fears, we can either overcome them, manage our thoughts, feelings and emotions or we can allow ourselves to be swallowed up by fear.

How does 12th April 2010 makes it a special day for me ? For a start, it just came about from chatting with Nicole over the past few days, sharing with her on my journey into my life journey of personal development, change, motivational, inspirational and goal settings and of course life experiences.

The past 6 weeks had been turbulent for me, even though I went through a similar situation that was much worse and wasn’t trained in personal development, motivation and inspiration fields during that period of time. However, this time round, I managed to cope it better than before, not without some hassles and shutting myself away from the social media channels for a while. I confessed that I was healing my physical wounds as well as mental and emotional wounds, after pulling myself out of the bottom, starting from the phase of rehabilitation and physiotherapy. The journey began for me to climb back up again from the fallen ground, reading and rekindling my passion and knowledge for personal development, change, mentoring, inspirational and motivational.

“If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” – Mother Teresa

Pay – It – Forward ~ By sharing my humble and personal experiences in my limited knowledge (till date) in the fields of personal development, inspiration and motivation, it reinforces my beliefs and attitudes, bringing myself closer and more aligned to motivating and inspiring myself to get back into good health, recover fast and making a difference, impacting the lives of  the people around me.

During my recovery phase, reading up and finding out on how different people are making a difference in the life across and around the world, we all can do the same thing too ! We can all make a difference out there !

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved” – Helen Keller

12th April 2010 is not a turning point for me, it is the start of my route to recovery …. started and learning how to walk again.

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