On the 8th of August 2008, it will be written down in history as a very significant day for the world. It is the start of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games !
Having experienced 2000 Sydney Olympics spirit and atmosphere, I had to say it was a very memorable experience. With the hype leading up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, it wasn’t going to be easy for the host nation. While watching the Opening Ceremony at 2000 hrs or 8:00pm, one of the greatest Opening Ceremony came across our eyes to the rest of the world, the aura, its might, beauty and unforgettable Opening Ceremony !
This awesome Opening Ceremony, was simply mind blowing, they captured my heart and thoughts, from a sporting and world citizen perspective. The crowds were simply superb, the performances dazzling and spectacular, showcasing how the inventions and creations of China, helped to shape the world. It certainly lived up to its reputation and promise, to be the Best Olympics Opening Ceremony in history, with the whole artistic ceremony led by China’s leading Zhang Yimou.
There were many performances worthy of mention and remembrance, many deep and lasting impressions, superb performances and amazing huge amounts of fireworks (Chinese invented Fireworks !).
Let the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games Begin ! In the name of world friendship, sporting competitions, world peace and harmony ! Let the athletes fulfill their Olympics dreams, a priceless life experience for everybody involved in one way or another at the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games !
May the Olympic Fire keep burning bright and strong, for the past, present and future citizens of the world!
The theme song, and the voice that sang the theme song, is wonderful
I also watched the opening ceremony. It shows that not only western countries, China can do it also.
I enjoyed the show very much, firework, performances, the smiling faces for those in the stadium.
Have a nice weekend, best wishes from coolingstar9
[…] Geng Hui’s Homepage writes: “This awesome opening ceremony, was simply mind blowing, they captured my heart and thoughts, […]
Beijing Go Go Go! Singapore Boleh! ;D
We are not very satisfied with the opening ceremony, Maybe we are so familiar with these elements and forms. Maybe it can be designed better.
But anyway, I hope Olympic spirit never down, In this commercial and political wolrd.
And I hope 2008 Beijing Olympics Game successful.
Hi Relax,
Agreed with you, the song was great and the lyrics awesome and meaningful !
Hi Coolingstar9,
Indeed, the Chinese people showed to the rest of the world, their capabilities and passion.
I thoroughly enjoyed the opening ceremony too !
Hi Global Voices Online,
Thanks for your endorsement ! Really appreciate it !
Hi Eunice !
A cool cheer ! 3 cheers for China on the organisation ! 3 cheers for Singapore on their quest for Olympic glory !
Hi iWalk,
There is always room for improvement in whatever we do.
Let’s all wish the Beijing Olympics the best of the sporting spirit and fire, forever burning bright and strong, and a great success for all the sports athletes !
[…] 2008 Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony, my inner most thoughts were collected and written down here. However, from a photographer’s perspective, the Opening Ceremony had the biggest fireworks […]
2008 Beijing Olympics was really fun. Lot of people who watched the said event had a great time.