In the midst of ongoing Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations, there was the Valentine’s Day on the 14th February. The history of Valentine’s Day can be found here on this page, for those who seek to learn, know and understand the history on how Valentine’s Day came about.

Everybody would have their fair share of stories and experiences on Valentine’s Day, nevertheless, I hope my readers enjoy your V-Day. As for me, it was work and work for me, however, I was suprised to receive a sunflower from a partner firm that our organisation worked with and distributing their products. My very first time I received a flower and it’s from a corporate entity !!!

Well, it’s also Friendship Day too and I would like to thank my friends who sticked by with me, believed in me, gave me the opportunities and didn’t looked down on me. Being an entrepreneur was never an easy journey, those true friends who really encouraged and pulled me up when I was down at the bottom of my pits and never destroyed my dreams, aspirations and goals.

My personal blog is over a month old and I am happy with its current progress (more improvements could be and will be done). This would not be possible without the guidance of Jack Lan, an internet marketing guru, specialising in Money From Blog. I encourage all my readers here to visit his websites and know more about him.  His knowledge in internet marketing, trouble-shooting complex Java languages etc etc, was crucial in setting up this WordPress blog.

There were also many bloggers as well, from all over the world, whom I had the chance to learn from them too, especially the Photography Group from Blog Catalog (wonderful network of international photographers) and my community of bloggers from MyBlogLog  and  Blog Catalog ! Not forgetting my Flickr Photo Community too !

Working extra hard in my entrepreneur multi-business model and network, need to ensure and check on my goals and objectives constantly, always keeping myself to be on my toes and strive for it !

Folks, we must always remember our friends, and show the appreciation to those who really are your true friends,

Friendship by Kayla:

“A true friend sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what.”

Happy (Belated) Friendship Day !

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