Read More Books!
I love to read books since I was young, over the years growing up from primary, secondary, pre-tertiary, universtiy days, I read a variety of books. Somehow, once I entered…
TGH Technology and Business Portal/Blog
Technology (Consumer and Enterprise), Business, Social Media and Digital Marketing
I love to read books since I was young, over the years growing up from primary, secondary, pre-tertiary, universtiy days, I read a variety of books. Somehow, once I entered…
I had for-seen this thing coming to me, sometime back, I had started to slow down on social media usage especially on my personal Facebook wall and moved towards updating…
1,000th post and not out! Sounds like a cricket match runs score achievement! While it is not a cricket match runs score, this was a very special milestone for me,…
A photographer (digital since 2001 and film since early 1980s) and a technology gadget fanatic since the boom of Information Technology (IT) products and services, I do keep a lookout…
Photography and Travel are 2 of my strongest passion, deeply entrenched during my early childhood days, influenced tremendously by my Dad, Uncles and Cousins. It was from these 2 passion…