I love to read books since I was young, over the years growing up from primary, secondary, pre-tertiary, universtiy days, I read a variety of books. Somehow, once I entered into working life, I read less books although I picked it up again when I was in the financial advisory industry. Technology, internet and social media have reduced our time reading books, our attention time span has dropped tremendously.
That is something that keeps me reading, although on a lesser basis compared to my school days, it’s my writing/blogging on my photography/travel website/blog and my personal/technology website/blog. Accumulating my mileage of articles posted on both of my websites/blogs, I grew to unearth and self discover my journey in writing.
Packed with various genres of books from personal development, photography, travel, science fiction, Star Wars, National Geographic, non fiction history. Each and every book had some influence on my writing. Some of my biggest writing/books influences would probably be National Geographic Magazine, the little book of ikigai, Fernando Gro’s book “No Missing Tools”.
In the year 2016, probably one of the most difficult years that I have ever faced in my life, I went back to reading different genres of books to get myself back on track, climbing my way up and out from the rock bottom. From 2016 till 2018, I added a few different books along the way, I am still finding interesting books to buy and keep! There was an article written by Michael Simmons, titled “The Way You Read Books Says A Lot About Your Intelligence, Here’s Why”. Based on the number of books that I have currently, I can and I am able to relate to the above article!
It’s time to read more different books, for self improvement, better knowledge and writing skills, than to get suck into the social media circus, too much complaining, too emotional draining, it’s getting more unhealthy and I need to reduce my time on it. I want to use social media in a more meaningful and useful way without abandoning them, due to the needs of modern social media marketing, digitial marketing, content marketing, publicity and awareness, using social media is an important channel in the current world we are living in.
At the most recent reading event, Read! Fest 2018 organised by the National Library Board, with this year’s theme “The Pursuit of Happiness”, I keynote lecture : How to be a modern travel writer in the age of Twitter and Instagram by Robert Twigger. His sharing was inspiring and encouraging, I wrote down his sharing and pointers on travel writing inside my travelers notebook.
One of my long term personal goals is to publish my own books and one of the books that I would like to publish are on my travel stories, adventures and explorations, through my collection of photographs that I took over my various travel adventures. I am still seeking, finding and working on this personal writer’s journey of mine.
Searching for more books on travel writing and hope to publish my travel book one day, on Hokkaido seeking ????, Komorebi and climbing up the mountains range with a “I am on the top of world feeling”.
Time to read more books! Time to push myself and create my own lasting legacy with my photographs, writing and books!