It’s Day 3, the last day of the Millionaire Mindset Intensive, 2 exciting and awesome days had passed by, lots of self-enriching and deeper understanding of my personal beliefs and history had been slowly self-discovered.

The 3rd Day was very intriguing, in a way, the most important of the 3 days, from here, it was a lot on being really uncomfortable and digging deeper into our inner beliefs and mindset, something that in our normal life, this would never even cross our mind.

During the exercises, we were asked in our workbook on

  • Physical aversion of money, wealth, success, rich people or ourself
  • Identifying new references to support the belief why we deserve to be a huge financial success
  • Having a daily VAKS – Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetics, Spirit
  • The purpose for money

A key reason why most people never reach their financial potential is because we are poor receivers. This point is particularly special because in our daily life, even not in the area of financial management, how good are we human beings do in becoming a good receiver ? That’s why human beings fail because they are poor receivers.

There were some very powerful statements taught by Harv Eker and they were as follows –

You are worthy because you are ALIVE right now. You are here for a REASON whether you know it or not

Besides that, there was a really exciting and hilarious experiential participants activity on finding our Money Personality, are you a –

  • MONK

Which type are you ? Well, I am a Saver…… It’s important to understand your personal Money Personality type, it is very crucial towards your journey towards FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Therefore, you would need to have a Balanced Money Personality ultimately.

Further teachings by Harv Eker, we were exploring further into the relationship with money, if the relationship with money is full of anger, fear, guilt, shame or sadness, it will have a negative effect on our money. This statement had a lot of truth and discovery deep inside me, something that I related to very deeply and closely, a key factor why I am stuck in between my personal good and bad world of financial freedom and growth.

During this segment of emotional training, I came to realise that it was more than just about financial management or financial freedom, it’s also about how my personal thoughts, fears, hate, anger and sadness with things, people and my life. It was really empowering, letting go of a few roots deeply entrenched in my mind, slowing down my personal development, growth and financial freedom.

In a nutshell, I was letting go of my fear, anger and sadness ………………..

Harv’s words of wisdom – “Your anger and resentment gets stuck in the cells of your body, not theirs, and makes you sick, not them

In life, we make a lot plans, writing down in words, however, how well do we execute them or taking action to complete it ? ACTION is the bridge between our inner world and outer world. How often does FEAR holds us humans back from taking ACTION to be successful ?

The true warrior can tame the cobra of fear and the secret to success is to learn to ACT in spite of fear. Near to the final segment of this wonderful seminar, we did an amazing activity, becoming a warrior to “break an object”, taming the fear inside us and celebrating our victory. If you like to know more about this activity, I highly recommended all readers to purchase Harv Eker’s wonderful and life changing book to read, it is somewhere inside…………….

At the end of Day 3, many new program files were changed and uploaded, replacing the older program files. This is only the start of a breakthrough to FINANCIAL FREEDOM ……… and I will always fight like a true warrior, making breakthroughs constantly towards FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

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