Attending my 1st National Achiever’s Congress 2008 at the Singapore Expo, it was an eye-opener for me, writing down the notes, wisdom and quotes given by the great and world class speakers, coming back and posting them on my blog here, sharing with all like-minded people who were keen to seek changes and improvements in their career and life.

My speakers’ summaries and postings would definitely serve as an excellent refresher and memory flash back for me, down the road, when I would like to recall what I had learned during National Achiever’s Congress 2008.  It was great to find and link up with participants that attended National Achiever’s Congress 2008, those who pop into my blog here and left comments, would link up, network and exchange pointers from NAC 2008 and other personal development and learning knowledge.

Learned many new quotes and wisdom from the various speakers, added the following books to my collection:

  • Blair Sinclair – SalesDogs
  • Blair Sinclair – The ABCs of Building a Business Team That Wins
  • Blair Sincalir – The Little Voice Management System (Audio CD)
  • Roger Hamilton – Your Life Your Legacy
  • Joe Girard – How to Sell Yourself
  • Joe Girard – How to Sell Anything to Anybody
  • Joe Girard – How to Close Every Sale

My existing collection of books are as follows:

  1. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
  2. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker
  3. Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki
  4. Principle-Centred Leadership by Stephen R. Covey
  5. The Secrets of LIFE by Stuart Wilde

I loved to read different kinds of books since I was young, a few years ago, after finishing my dissertation and finishing my tertiary education, the interest soon went away after entering the workforce. It was only after entering the entrepreneur world that I slowly regained back my love for reading………

It’s time to take ACTION, from the various different learning tools that I had obtained recently (books, notes, wisdom, quotes).  I seek to learn something new everyday for the rest of my life and I must never stop learning.

Certain goals had not been met till date, with the constant and changes with the actions, will my dreams and goals be achieved by end of 2008.

Would you want to grow, change and improve your life and your career ?


p/s: Special tribute to Jack Lan for the tickets to National Achiever’s Congress 2008, he’s an awesome Internet Marketer, check out his link ! 

2 thoughts on “Reflecting on my maiden National Achiever’s Congress 2008”
  1. I attended NAC about two years back and though the talk was interesting, my back was breaking from the long hours.

    I was amazed how I managed to survive that few days of non-stop speech!

  2. Wow !

    That’s wonderful ! The seats can be tough on our back from sitting down for long hours !

    The talks were interesting and definitely motivating, meaningful and enlightening !

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