A new feature that I am planning to trial and work on, a short newsletter style of key topics/trends/happenings in the areas of technology, business, social media, public relations and communications. It could be a mixture of recent media news coverage that I published or views/opinions/thought leadership articles that I have written, or current issues that I have an interest in. This would be a work-in-progress, with a working title “TGH Tech & Biz News Bulletin”, it would go through a few refinements before it settles down into a style and workflow.

This is an ongoing improvement, change and growth in my technology and business writing, it’s not going to be my personal stories and updates style of writing and content. At the start of the year 2023, I chose “Transform” as my Yearly Theme 2023 (Technology | Business } Personal), along with marking a 15 years milestone for my TGH Technology & Business portal/blog on 3rd January 2023, and how I am going to transform as I continue to strive forward in Year 2023 and beyond.

I am considering whether to publish it on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly news bulletin article. It might change due to scheduling and publishing constraints, or other business commitments in my photography and content creation. This would allow me to share snippets, thoughts and views, for further expansion into them in another article that would go deeper into that particular topic.

Just as much as I have grown, expanded and changed over the past 15 years writing and covering technology and business topics, coming up with this new feature – TGH Tech & Biz News Bulletin is an extension of the scope of works, writing and media news coverage that I have been doing in recent years.

How would my maiden approach to this new feature TGH Tech & Biz News Bulletin take off on my TGH Technology and Business Portal/Blog? I won’t know how this would turn out, it’s definitely going to be a new learning and experiential journey in my writing, content creation, thought leadership and editor roles combining together.

Thank you to those who read till the end of this article, a new beginning, a new hope, a small segment of my “Transform” journey in my technology, business, marketing and social media topics.

Let’s see where this brings me in Year 2023 and beyond.

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