In the year 2011, Earth’s population crossed over the 7 Billion mark, a number that has so many zeros that you might lost count of it. This situation is a very delicate cross road and when National Geographic Magazine launched their special year long series – 7 Billion on their site, along with a very informative app for the iPad.

This special series got me back into reading and following National Geographic, I am heavily influenced and mesmerised by National Geographic Magazine when I was a young kid in school, even dreaming of becoming a National Geographic photojournalist too! This special series brought up by National Geographic, with a few topics for discussion and deep thoughts thinking –

– Dealing with climate change

– Are there enough food for 7 Billion ?

– Are there too many people on the planet ?

The issues, questions, topics and discussions are going to be deep, specific and mind-opener. Is there a solution or are there solutions? Will concrete appropriate constructive action be taken? This will not be a straight forward discussion or answer session, likely a complicated and complex inter-related human race relationship and problems for Mother Earth.

That’s no 1 perfect solution, maybe multi solutions for each topic of discussion that was brought up by the National Geographic site, some questions I asked myself, what can one individual living on Mother Earth do or contribute ? If each individual can do something or contribute to one or some of the solutions implemented, it might be sustainable after all, how true, remains to be seen.

One simple task we can do is to share and spread this message of 7 Billion across and abroad, around us and beyond our shores and this meaningful quote below ~

Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.

We are more than the sum of our knowledge,
we are the products of our imagination. “

Ancient Proverb

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