In the modern era of information technology, a new generation of internet usage and expansion, the power of blogging, micro-blogging (Twitter), Facebook, Search Engine Optimisation 2.0 (SEO 2.0) and more recently Social Media Optimisation (SMO). To some of us, we are catching up, to others, especially the younger generation, they are growing in this high internet connected living and exchange environment.

Saw an slideshare article sharing by Robin Low on “Google Me”, how much do we know about Social Media Networking ? How much can you know about yourself in the internet / blogsphere ? Have you Googled yourself recently ?

Leveraging on the power, impacts, strengths and flaws of the internet and social media networking, you would be able to position yourself, your personal branding to a much much wider audience than you can ever imagine. Learning the tools and trade, implementing Social Media Optimisation, like me, a user of Social Media Networking tools and channels and operating with a foundation of Search Engine Optimisation tools, your growth and branding will start to grow. Just drop by my photoblog and take a look at how my pride and joy of the power of blogging and using SEO & SMO.

One thought on “Have U Google Yourself ?”
  1. Did not google me lately. Hmm… We should not left too many bad stuffs on the Internet. Else nobody want to hire us (if they find out). 😛

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