I was burnt out, this is not about me ranting, for me, this is to acknowledge and tell myself that such things happen from time to time. The only solution is to pick yourself up from the fall and continue striving forward in the journey that you started.
For a few days, I couldn’t get my articles/things done, it was just sitting there. I decided that taking a break for a day is needed. Not many people know about the difficulties, struggles, stress and pressure of running a business (small sole proprietorship), this doesn’t help when friends asked about you with a kind and concerned heart but using a very lousy mouth and evil tongue.
Taking photographs that is totally leisure, fun and free is a theraphy for me, I continued taking photographs with my Canon EOS M50 mirrorless camera review set, this helped me to get myself back on my feet again.
After attending a networking session, I had a good chat with the people there. While walking to the MRT station, I saw a cityscape scenery that I took for granted since I stay in Singapore and I have regularly seen this whenever I passed by it.
This is like “a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow”, there might be a new opportunity is coming up, I have to continue striving in this journey ahead.
While I had some down time a few days back, I received a mention in a comment on Instagram, I checked out the post and the description. Yes, I shot the photos a few months back at Maesa Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai, Thailand. However, I was touched and grateful by the words shared inside this instagram post by Tiffany Yong ???and Peps Goh ???, a testimonial to my unglamorous behind the scenes work during our recent trip to Chiang Mai – https://www.instagram.com/p/BjKRa4CAJIM/
Getting my energy level up and recharged, I am going to continue striving forward in my adventure.