
The lighted path above leads into the darkness ahead, in this period of economic crisis, many challenges and difficulties appeared and made the journey that I embarked on into a period of unprecedented life learning experiences. 

Recently, facing those issues, taking on community project events planning participation, networking and learning from very experienced professionals, reflecting on my goals in my business after receiving a letter, pondering, strategising and facing the challenges head on and being responsible for my own results and actions.

I will make the difference, I will make the mark, I will make an impact.

Attended a dinner networking and interaction session with a man who is an awesome role model for entrepreneurship and directional growth, goals and thinking deep inside me about my passion, my goals, what do I want to achieve and where do I want to head and I am hungry enough to learn and succeed ? 


The beautiful colours at the end of the lighted path is bright and welcoming you. The journey that you and me are taking may be lined with many challenges and difficulties, if you Begin With The End In Mind (Stephen R. Covey), this rainbow awaits you.

P/S : Want to know where this place is ? Click HERE !

One thought on “Where does this lighted path leads ?”
  1. I’ve been here in the day… Never at night though. I walked all the way to the end and ended up taking a cab back to the carpark. It took us hours for the whole walk. I think I will be going through it another time and hopefully no more after that.. 😉

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