#iGotMyShot, my 1st vaccination has just been completed on 3rd June 2021. I am currently resting and recovering at home for the next few days. As I would be resting and slowing down during the next few days into this coming weekend, even though I am still WFH, therefore, I might not be publishing media coverage articles on both TGH Photography and Travel Portal/Blog and TGH Technology and Business Portal/Blog as I decide to lighten my WFH workload during this rest period after I got my first vaccination. This would also be a good welcome break for me in my areas of content creation, digital and social media marketing.

Meanwhile, for those who are waiting for their turn to get their 1st vaccination, I hope you can get your first vaccination soon. We can all play a part together together as we continue fighting against this ongoing global pandemic COVID-19. It has been a very tough journey for everyone of us around the world since 2020. From COVID fatigue, to cabin fever when WFH, mental and emotional exhaustion, bringing out mental health issues and depression amongst us.

I had been on the wrong end of this onslaught recently, ICYMI, you can read about what happened to me here, “Reflections, Thoughts, and Feelings – 1st June 2021” and “Fate and Time”.

There were a few friends who asked me privately how am I holding up as they realised that I am not in a good mental and emotional stage even though my exterior doesn’t show it. They told me, “we are here for you”.

It takes courage to stand up and speak to someone on the situations/problems that you are facing. I finally found the extra courage.

To my few friends who asked about me privately during this time, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.


We have to continue being united against this global pandemic and keep on fighting it, as we all work towards A New Normal and we get our life to be a bit more normal like before the pre-COVID days.

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