In an unprecedented move, I split my reflection of the year into two parts for year 2016, with Part 1 written on 30th December 2016. How this actually came about was that I started writing Part 2 first before I saw a number of various articles on my social media channels that struck a very deep chord inside me that were part of my reflection process for the year 2016.

For part 2, this would be more about more personal, more in-depth, inside my heart and soul. The life lessons will be some of the most invaluable life lessons that society is going to teach and impart to me. A friend mentioned to me that taking stock of the life lessons, take comfort in the trials that ended and focus on a greater year ahead.

Around the world, the year 2016 had taken away quite a long list of people from Earth to another world out there. Personally, I had to deal with the painful loss of three people close to me, a senior scout master, my university junior and my paternal grandmother. I would handle my own closure of the loss of my university junior and paternal grandmother in remembrance posts, similarly to the post that I wrote for my senior scout master in September 2016.

Amidst all the painful life lessons, picking myself up and getting myself back again. I am also very thankful and truly appreciative of all those people who helped me, encouraged and picked me up from the fall, walking with me through the storm, with my head held up high. This is a very humbling experience for me too.

This is also the time to put aside all those horrible memories somewhere behind and also to exile some people away from my life into space.

As I round up my year 2016, slightly earlier than the usual New Year Eve countdown to year 2017, this youtube video by Stephen Colbert & Michael Stipe during the The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, a very interesting and slightly remixed REM song to “celebrate” the end of the year 2016.

I totally agree with this song “It’s the end of the year as we know it and I feel fine”

Goodbye year 2016, you had taught me many valuable life lessons, many painful and disappointing lessons during this difficult year.

Hello year 2017! It’s A New Hope! A brand new year, a brand new and fresh start!

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