26th April 2022 – A major milestone for Singapore in the battle against COVID-19

ByGeng Hui

Apr 26, 2022 #1 year ago on 7th April 2020 - Singapore entered Circuit Breaker, #2 years ago on 7th April 2020 - Singapore entered Circuit Breaker, #26th April 2022 - A major milestone for Singapore in the battle against COVID-19, #blog, #Blogging Business, #Canon EOS R3, #Canon EOS R3 Review, #Circuit Breaker, #COVID-19, #COVID-19 Countries Lockdown, #Covid-19 fatigue, #COVID-19 Global Pandemic, #COVID-19 Situation, #COVID-19 Travel Advisory, #COVID-19 Vaccination, #COVID-19 virus, #Dreams, #Friendship, #Future of Work, #gadgets, #Goals, #Happiness, #Hybrid Future of Work, #Impacts of COVID19 on mental health, #Information Technology, #Inspirational, #Internet Marketing, #kindness, #Life Experiences, #Looking Beyond the COVID-19 Situation, #Mental Health, #Mental Health Awareness, #Mental Health Issues, #Mentoring, #Motivation, #Online Marketing, #Otter on TraceTogether App, #Otters, #Pass It On, #Pay It Forward, #Personal, #Personal Development, #Personal Stories, #Post Circuit Breaker in Singapore, #Post Covid-19 hybrid work environments, #Post Covid-19 new normal working environment, #Singapore, #Singapore Circuit Breaker, #Singapore Otter ask “Are you going to miss me on the TraceTogether app?”, #Singapore Otters, #Social Media Networking, #Social Networking, #Start of Circuit Breaker in Singapore - 7th April 2020, #Start of Phase 1 Post-Circuit Breaker in Singapore, #Technology, #TGH Photography x Canon EOS R3 Explorer Series Production, #The Future of Work is Now and Hybrid, #TraceTogether, #TraceTogether App

On Tuesday 26th April 2022, this marks a major milestone for Singapore in the battle against COVID-19. This is a day whereby many Singaporeans, if not everyone of us here in Singapore are looking forward to in our ongoing battle against this global pandemic COVID-19 that had gone on for two years (and still ongoing) since 2020.

True Start of a New Route on a Return to Normal

Not too long ago, I wrote about “Start of a new route on a return to normal?” at the start of Q2 2022, a few weeks later on 26th April 2022, we mark a major milestone for Singapore, the real start of a new route on a return to normal for us. In Q1 March 2022, there were signs of further reopening in Singapore as we start to see light at the end of the tunnel, when PM Lee addressed the nation live on 24th March 2022, giving us updates and the next steps moving forward as we learnt to live with this ongoing global pandemic. Thereafter, on 7th April 2022, we marked 2 years of Circuit Breaker in Singapore, a reminder of the initial/early days/months of Singapore’s battle against this global pandemic.

Finally, this pandemic situation in Singapore is stabilising, the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level will be lowered from Orange to Yellow. New measures are in place starting from 26th April. You can read them in detail in this ChannelNewsAsia article.

The key measures for me are

  • No limit on group sizes or visitors per households
  • Safe-distancing no longer required
  • Safe Entry and TraceTogether: Check-in no longer required, except at large events whereby there are more than 500 attendees and at certain nightlife venues

My stories, your stories, we all have our stories and struggles

2 years (and still counting) since 2020, we are still battling against this global pandemic, it’s not over yet, we are not totally out of the woods yet. Therefore, please don’t be complacent and let your guard down.

I had my stories and struggles, you will also have your own stories and struggles. If you are keen to read up my stories and struggles, you can find them here on this website as well as on my TGH Photography and Travel portal/blog.

I might consolidate my 2+ years of stories and struggles together, maybe some time down the road when we are out of the woods.

Singapore Otter ask “Are you going to miss me on the TraceTogether app?”

Our otters in Singapore have make their presence felt over the years in Singapore’s nature and urban areas. They eventually entered into our battle against this global pandemic by making their swimming presence seen/felt whenever we used our TraceTogether app.

Personally, it’s a mix bag of emotions for me with this swimming otter. I am really glad to say goodbye to this TraceTogether app, however, I will remember this iconic swimming/sliding otter on our TraceTogether app.

On the subject of whether to keep or delete the TraceTogether app, I am going to continue keeping it on my smartphone for a bit longer as I might be attending conferences/exhibitions/events that have more than 500 attendees.

Returning Back to Normal is Not Going to be Immediate

Returning back to normal just like our pre-covid days is not going to be immediate like the click of your fingers. Just like how we had to learn how to change, adjust and adapt at the start of the pandemic situation in 2020, how we learn to survive the Circuit Breaker (lockdown) period.

Returning back to normal, it’s going to take a bit of time to readjust, change and readapt, on our route back to normal living like our pre-pandemic days.

The Route Ahead towards Full Recovery

For those who have been reading and following my writing and stories, you would have an idea of my struggles, stories and journeys over the past 2 years battling against this global pandemic. Not many people will understand, or want to, or can and willing to understand.

The situation is still not rosy, we are still working to get back on track not just with our business or work, as well as our personal life. Some have it easier, some have it tougher than others.

My past 2 years had been nothing of rough seas and turbulence, ups and downs. My route ahead towards full recovery in 2022 is still bumpy, still full of ups and downs. No matter the amount and difficulty level of those upcoming obstacles and challenges, I will continue to strive forward and conquering them.

* A TGH Photography x Canon EOS R3 Explorer Series Production *

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