One of the information technological topics/advancements that companies and brands are talking about right now and in the near coming future, is Internet of Things (IoT). I took a strong interest in this area ever since my overseas trip to Canon EXPO Shanghai conference in 2016 and learning first hand on IoT from a company’s perspective, as well as visiting Greenwave Systems during CommunicAsia 2016 and CommunicAsia 2017.
Most recently in 2017, I also attended The Future Workplace with Dell and a seminar on F1 Technology and The Impact on Healthcare, adding on to my reading and understanding on the subject matter IoT. Although I am not a subject expert, I do have a keen interest on how IoT is going to impact and affect how we humans use and consume technology in the future. The future of IoT can help us live and work better, it can also affect us with the possibility of replacing our jobs.
What is the next era of Human-Machine partnerships? How is it going to be like? Are you afraid or are you excited? Will your job still be there in the next 5 to 10 years or will it be replaced by technology and machines? Last but not least, are you ready for IoT to be even more integrated in your work and home in the coming near future (IMHO, it might be as early as 5-10 years away) ?
Dell has partnered with the Institute for the Future (IFTF) and 20 global experts to study the changing relationship between people and technology and how the relationship will manifest itself in society, business and work over the next decade. Dell is sharing the results today from the report titled ‘The next era of human machine partnerships.’
While I am reading up on the reports, their views and analysis, I am also sharing key information and links here for the readers, from the press release below:
Dell Technologies commissioned the study to help companies navigate an uncertain world and prepare for the future. Today, digital disruption is ruthlessly redrawing industries. For the first time in modern history, global leaders can’t predict how their industry will fare further down the line. According to Dell’s Digital Transformation Index,61% of APJ business leaders have experienced significant disruption to their industries as a result of digital technologies. And more than half of businesses believe there’s a possibility their company will become obsolete within the next three to five years.
The report forecasts that emerging technologies, supported by massive advancements in software, big data and processing power, will reshape lives. Society will enter a new phase in its relationship with machines, which will be characterized by:
- Even greater efficiency and possibility than ever before, helping humans transcend our limitations
- Humans as “digital conductors” in which technology will work as an extension of people, helping to better direct and manage daily activities
- Work chasing people, in which by using advanced data-driven matchmaking technologies, organizations can find and employ talent from across the world
- People learning “in the moment,” as the pace of change will be so rapid that new industries will be created and new skills will be required to survive
Other report highlights include:
- In 2030 humans’ reliance on technology will evolve into a true partnership with humans, bringing skills such as creativity, passion and an entrepreneurial mindset. This will align with the machines’ ability to bring speed, automation and efficiencies, and the resulting productivity will allow for new opportunities within industries and roles.
- By 2030 personalized, integrated artificial intelligence (AI) assistants will go well beyond what assistants can do now. They’ll take care of us in predictive and automated ways.
- Technology won’t necessarily replace workers, but the process of finding work will change. Work will cease to be a place but a series of tasks. Machine learning technologies will make individuals’ skills and competencies searchable, and organizations will pursue the best talent for discrete tasks.
- An estimated 85 percent of jobs in 2030 haven’t been invented yet. The pace of change will be so rapid that people will learn “in-the-moment” using new technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality. The ability to gain new knowledge will be more valuable than the knowledge itself.
Additional and useful links for further reading
Personal Thoughts and Views
No matter how we want to look at IoT, we cannot avoid it, even if some of you don’t want to look at it or ignore it. The future of IoT is going to impact us in both good and bad ways. Like the Scout’s motto, “Be Prepared”, we have to be prepared, for the upcoming changes, to change, adapt, innovate, learn and re-learn, adopt, move on and grow together with IoT. If not, you might become obsolete and be left behind.
* Information courtesy of Dell Technologies and Cohn & Wolfe Singapore *