Writing and publishing consumer and enterprise technology topics or business related topics can be very heavy at times. Sometimes, I do need to let my personal writing flow, an approach different from my photography and travel portal/blog style. This article is titled “Seeking the Light Path”, this is more than just my regular updates, it’s also a break away from the heavy technology and business topics.
Seeking and establishing new opportunities
The massive impacts caused by the global pandemic Covid-19 is still ongoing, the fallout is going to get worse before we can start to plan for our recovery. In crisis situations like these, I am seeking and establishing new opportunities, from partnerships to setting up another business. They are still a work in progress and I won’t be able to reveal more in writing, very few people would know about the new opportunities and plans that I am seeking and working on to establish.
One door closes, another door opens
From finding new opportunities and partnerships, seeking support grants for my sole proprietorship photography business, seeking new assignments or projects for my photography business. I have my fair share of disappointments and rejections, however when one door closes, another door opens. I just have to keep on moving forward and not giving up.
Personal SingapoRediscovers project updates
Progress in my personal SingapoRediscovers project is still quite alright, I am doing it my own style, through my photographs, videos and stories. Singapore, no doubt is a small country in land size, we have places to explore, learn and enjoy. This would not just be for local Singaporeans, my SingapoRediscovers project would also serve as useful and informative travel guides for my friends visiting from overseas, when the global pandemic situation is under control with the vaccine available and international leisure travel is allowed again.
Photography Zine and vlog film updates
Part of my SingapoRediscovers personal project is to bring it to “life” through the publishing of my first official photography zine and a short vlog film of my adventures. I have to admit and confess that my original timeline for my first official photography zine was pushed back a few times. I take personal responsibility for this delay, I am working hard, balancing my photography business, content creation on this technology and business portal/blog of mine here, seeking and establishing new opportunities.
“Seeking the Light Path” – Sonnenglas
Last but not least, my update article heading is “Seeking the Light Path”. I would like to introduce Sonnenglas to all my supporters and readers. Please visit them and take a look at what they are doing! I am currently doing a review on the Sonnenlas lantern jar, preparing through my photo story, it’s coming soon.
A picture/photo speaks a thousand words. In this current global pandemic Covid-19 situation, we are all “Seeking the Light Path” to navigate our way out of this very difficult situation.
“Tough times never last but tough people do”
We will recover from this global pandemic situation, be stronger, make the necessary changes, adapt and adopt, for a better future.