There was a saying that, what you are today, was determined 5 years ago. Looking back 5 years ago in 2003, my career was stagnant, attempting to enter the workforce in the midst of SARS and Gulf War 2, finally getting myself into a job that I somehow grew jaded and tired from it, no progress over the next 2 years, emotional wrenching breaking experience that spiraled me to the bottom and stuck in the ground for a pretty long period of time before deciding to take a new challenge and career and enter the entrepreneur route.

During the early days as an entrepreneur, I was never into such things such as personal development, growth and change, I was very stubborn and resistant to changes. However , as time progresses, it was through many more different life experiences, work, growth and changing experiences that I gained, my closed up mind started opening up and embracing changes, personal development and growth importance.

Over half a year ago, Jack Lan introduced me this book called, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset”, being the stubborn me and “I KNOW THAT” attitude, I wasn’t convinced initially. Somehow or another, I chanced upon this book at a clearance sale at Borders Wheelock Place and bought this book after consulting Jack again.

When I started reading this book, I was immediately blown away! It was something that strikes me so deeply, touching many chords in my mind, what I had been aspiring, doing and not doing, it was all inside. I read it over, slowly, chapter by chapter, even though I had completed reading the book, I promised myself to go through it again and reinforce my learnings with a chapter summary post on my blog, sharing with my readers who would impact and learn from it too.

T. Harv Eker was one of the speakers on Day 2 of National Achiever’s Congress 2008 and I was eagerly waiting for the person that I admired and looked upon, Jack said to me, “Your Idol ! “. Harv’s style, charisma, mindset and how he carry himself, is priceless…..

What I learned from Harv Eker book on the “Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset”, were transformed LIVE in front of me, he was a world class and worthy mentor to coach people  on the Financial Blueprint Mindset. The following keynotes were words of wisdom from T. Harv Eker:

  1. I Create My Life !
  2. Do NOT Lay BLAME
  3. Do NOT Justify
  4. Do NOT Complain (worst possible thing we can ever do to ourselves)
  5. What I FOCUS on Expand
  6. Bless That Which You Want
  7. Thoughts -> Feelings -> Actions = Results
  8. Act in Spite of Fear

What is your own financial/money blueprint ?

One thought on “T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mindset”
  1. Hi, u wrote this email ayear ago on my birthday 🙂
    I just went for T Harv Eker’s seminar over the weekend..
    His Book was awsome.. this seminar was mind blowing!!!

    Hav a wonderful week ahead!

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