Innovation in this modern society, technology advancements, what stage is at currently ?

How has technology changed your life, your work, friendship, relationship and networking ? With information technology becoming more inter-connected and the “distance” between people getting “shorter”, does that impact the relationship  between you and others ? How does it affect our communication with people with the usage and impact of information technology ?

Currently, I feel that these are the current ongoing trends and developments that might have a impact in the future and innovation of technological advancements.

The rise and expansion of social media

It’s daily verbal communication between humans transferred to another mode of channel distribution using the internet sphere or blogsphere with the various tools of social media. Antagonise or alienate at your own expense, peril or engage social media to your advantage and growth ?

Source : The 10 Best Infographics for Internet Marketing Pros & The CMO’s Guide to The Social Media Landscape

How much and how well are you engaging social media ?

Begun the Tablet Wars

Initially the small sized Netbook/Notebooks were popular among users, small and light, however, the arrival of the Apple iPad caused quite a bit of storm with its features and user friendliness. This segment would be an interesting sector of growth and expansion, with 13 more potential competitors to the Apple iPad that might be appearing in the market soon, with the latest tablet announced being the Samsung Galaxy Tab, whom I personally feel would be a worthy competitor to the Apple iPad. How would the other Tablets turn out ? We shall wait and see …. Begun the Tablet Wars it has ….

Future of Blogs ?

In my earlier post, on “Is Interactive E-Magazine the Media of the Future?“, I was researching with great interest on the potential and feasibility of Interactive E-Magazines. How would it change the blogsphere ? Personally, this would be closely linked and might have a positive correlation between the growth of the Tablets in terms of usage and technological designs and improvements that might expedite the growth of Interactive E-Magazines or applications, with more people using them to promote/sell/advertise their services/interests/products/tools to each and one another.

Smartphones and Mobile Data

The varieties of smartphones availability in the market from the different technology companies and the growth of faster telecommunication networks from 3rd Generation to the 4th Generation/ Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks, mobile broadband is just beginning to expand exponentially and would potentially rise higher and grow bigger than we could possibly imagine. With the growth of the world’s two most populous and world economies drivers namely, China and India, the growth and expansion of their smartphones/mobile and Mobile Data usage would just be the exponential kick-start.

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Read more The Power of Local Mobile Search [infographic]

Source : The 10 Best Infographics for Internet Marketing Pros & The Power of Local Mobile Search by OrangeSoda

What do you see in the future of technology and innovation ?

One thought on “Technology, Innovation and the Future”
  1. “Man found a cure from being an ignorant one and that is the Technology”. This is the statement that comes first in my mind when I encounter the word “Technology”. Technology has really a great impact in our life especially nowadays that we can’t deny that we are now dependent on it.

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