Learning is like a marathon that is always ongoing, after one marathon is completed, another marathon begins. Today, with my learning and sharing from the social media networks and channels, it had been a very fruitful, exciting, ever growing and towards mentoring/helping social media networking over the past 3 years since moving to my own hosted domain photoblog. Till date today, I am still learning from the experienced marketing, traditional media, public relations and social media people, via Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Websites.

Looking back into a short history timeline when social media rides on its boom and wave towards the new era of marketing and public relations, online and offline, digital and traditional. It’s pretty amazing on the exponential growth and expansion in the past 3-5 years especially, moving from internet marketing to a highly active social media engagement society. Through dedicated social media sharing and learning websites, such as Socialnomics, Social Media Today and Flow Town Blog, I chanced upon an intriguing and very helpful infographic to share with my readers on Social Media today

State of the Internet 2011 

Infographic Source : OnlineSchools.org

State of the Internet 2011

Take a time to watch this infographic, look at how fast the world is “turning” with the social media wave!

Embarking on the social media enthusiast route, expanding my social networks tremendously, locally and worldwide, getting to know more friends online and leading into good friends in real life too! I am moving into more active social media engagement given my time and business commitments. While I am not planning to be a social media leader, I am learning and wanting to be into Specialist in my fields of my expertise via the various social media tools, channels and networks. Check out my Klout profile, currently, I am a Broadcaster!

With the different engagements by PR companies, Digital Marketing companies and organisations, I am still learning on how to be a social media leader eventually, along with specialisation in my fields of photography, blogging, mentoring and social media. This article on “Wanted : Social Media Leaders” would serve as a good reading!

Another interesting infographic for you all readers here who are into Social Media :

Infographic Source : OnlineSchools.org
Class Of 2011: If Social Media Were a High School
Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application

Which do you belong to in this Class of 2011 : If Social Media Were A High School ?

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