Updates and Topics of Interest – Post Circuit Breaker 8th June 2020

Writing and producing content for my websites, namely, TGH Commercial Photography, TGH Photography and Travel Portal/Blog and TGH Technology and Business Portal/Blog, have always been a constant challenge and balancing game for years. Each website has its own unique content creation challenges to overcome, for this personal website of mine here, I would like to regularly break away from my usual technology news routine to share personal updates, reflections and upcoming plans. Here’s my updates and topics of interest – Post circuit breaker 8th June 2020.

Topics of Interest

Covid-19 and the search for a vaccine

The start of a new decade, the year 2020 is shaping up with the Covid-19 pandemic would make a significant landmark in the history of Earth and the years beyond that. How this might define this new decade, the upcoming changes to the world, we might usher in a new decade of many changes, personal hygiene, healthcare and living.

On the search for a vaccine, clinical trials are ongoing in different parts of the world. Let’s hope an institution can come up with a vaccine for Covid-19 soon. I am following my alma mater University of Queensland Covid-19 vaccine development and would share updates on my social media platforms when there are updates.

Future of WFH

Working from home (WFH) sounds like the new kid on the block can finally step up and say, “I am cool, this is the way to go for the future”. On one hand, WFH can work, it’s not just because it sounds cool, modern and savvy. However, WFH might not be suitable for all industries and businesses, add in home based learning (HBL) with WFH, this combination makes it even more tricky and challenging. How is WFH going to evolve in the months and years ahead and how it might impact or change the economy remains to be seen.

Technology and Digital Transformation

Technology has been developing and improving over the past decade, coming into our daily life and working life, leading to workplace digital transformation, would it help make WFH easier? In this crisis, how would they adapt and transform technology for the economy and for daily living? Changes are coming, giving a rise to more technology and digital transformation for both work and personal. In my personal opinion, this is a big area of interest to look out for, in the months and years ahead.

World economy

Some have compared this crisis to be potentially much bigger and worst than the Great Depression of the 1920s. A very frightening scenario for the world economy, that would definitely fuel the rich and poor divide even further, financial and economic hardships, further deepening and widening social issues. How would the capitalism model change in this new era?

Post Covid-19 life and how we work will not be the same as before. Be prepared for some tough years ahead as the world navigates through this crisis. How deep and big would this crisis goes?


Improvements to my websites

I am regularly tweaking, fine tuning and improving my three main websites, not to mention my other sites showcasing my photographs, 500px, Flickr, MakersPlace etc, take up a fair amount of time and energy as I am operating solo. Curation of my photographs for both leisure, commercial and portfolio of works would be updated soon.

Training, Skills Upgrading and Development

This Covid-19 pandemic, giving rise to a world economic crisis, bringing about changes (and more to come) to workplaces, jobs, working style etc. Some jobs will be lost, some jobs will change dramatically. This is the time to upgrade my skills, new learn skills, search for suitable training programmes to develop and improve myself, knowledge and skills even further.

No thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, I am looking at safety related training for running a business. I am planning to learn videography, filmmaking and drone flying, to add on to my photography business services.

Cautious spending

From a budgeting perspective in a current Covid-19 pandemic and an ongoing economic crisis, spending for some has come to a halt or we must be very cautious in our spending, whether it’s personal or for business. I am looking at some used photography and technology accessories to add on to my workflow.

In this new era, the phrase “change is the only constant” might be changed into, “Many changes are coming to you”. Be prepared for tough and grim time ahead, a few years maybe. This is also the year, not to forget and reset year 2020, the era where we need to reset and change, for a new hope, a new future, a new era.

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