At the start of a new week in the first week of October 2023, this marks the start of the final quarter of 2023. This is the final sprint to the end of YR2023. As I embarked on my final quarter sprint, I would do a regular feature of reflecting and planning. Sharing both professional and personal thoughts and views from my Reflecting Q3 2023 and Plans for Q4 2023 (Technology, Other Business and Personal).


Consumer technology

As for my consumer technology segment, it’s relatively stable. If there are consumer technology brands that haven’t engage previously, I would hope to work with them for future media engagements.

Enterprise/Business technology

This segment has been gradually expanding over the years, not by leaps and bounds, slow and steady, there are still some roads ahead to expand my scope of enterprise/business technology coverage.

I don’t and I can’t cover all sectors of enterprise/business technology, I am also still relatively unknown in the enterprise/business technology sector (probably around my 5th year in covering enterprise/business technology).

Recent collaboration in writing and publishing enterprise/business technology articles with Temus in the field of AI, its impacts and potential, was really good. Not only did this collaboration allowed me to learn more in-depth about AI, it has also helped me in putting my website publication to the enterprise/business industries and other PR firms.

Technology writer and media relations

Even though I mentioned earlier that in the enterprise/business technology sector, I am still relatively unknown, I do have my networks and contacts with PR folks in the consumer technology sector or other industries.

Through re-connections with PR folks, I had added on new portfolio of writing and coverage. My media relations through my collaborations in writing and publishing key interest technology topics have boosted as well. I would continue to expand, within my scope and ability to take on the understanding, research and writing workload.

On a side note, I might not mention too much about my technology sectors for future reflections and plannings. The above sectors are in a way relatively stable and consistent, the growth and expansion would most likely come from the enterprise/business technology sectors.


Other Business

Tech start up opportunity and Networking opportunities

I had a very enriching and enlightening chat with the technology startup founder recently in the travel, tourism, hotel and hospitality industry.

It also got me thinking deeper into innovation, digital transformation, mindset and entrepreneurship.

One step at a time, let’s see where this brings me.


UQ BEL Alumni Council Singapore

You would have heard me mentioning about my return to my alma mater, University of Queensland (UQ) alumni networks in Singapore, with the UQ Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Alumni Council Singapore. Even though I am on the UQ BEL faculty side, we would also work with local UQ Alumni Association of Singapore (UQAAS) where I previously served for two terms (I think so) some years back.

Balancing out helping our in UQ alumni networks right here in Singapore, networking and events. Let’s see where this brings me again in my new round of UQ alumni relations and networking in Singapore.

Interview with Mr Loh – UQ Singapore Alumni Fund

A recent personal project that I took on in the UQ alumni Singapore networks, an interview with Mr Loh Hoon Sun, a distinguished UQ alumnus, he’s also a UQ BEL graduate! There were a special two part series interview with Mr Loh, along with my portraiture photography works in the second article:

Part 1 – An interview with Mr Loh Hoon Sun, distinguished UQ BEL alumnus

Part 2 – The history and story behind UQ Singapore Alumni Fund

To all fellow UQ alumni in Singapore, do check out the special two part series interview with Mr Loh. Do Pay-It-Forward and Pass-It-On if you are able to contribute to the UQ Singapore Alumni Fund and make a difference to future UQ students from Singapore.

Social media platforms

Social media growth and expansion in usage, platforms, consumptions, patterns and behaviours have always been a key topic of interest in both personal and professional capacity. It’s both a boon and bane, it has helped me in my photography, writing and marketing, yet how our lifestyles and living changed over the years, no thanks to social media, are not exactly that great and nice after all.

Some thoughts ongoing in my mind that I am looking to write more in detail after doing more research:

  • Are lesser people using social media platforms?
  • Or are we heading into more private and smaller social media networks e.g. Discord?
  • Are social media companies moving towards a usage fee platform (e.g. Twitter or X) like how we use our software?
  • More on authenticity and less on narcissism, untrue situations?
  • Short form video over digital images?
  • Return of long form writing and sharing?

Of technology, other business and personal

Sometimes, I do think quite a lot and deep into technology, other business and personal, since they are closely related deep inside my heart and soul, I write down quite a fair bit, although I might not publish all of them out in my article.

I am for long form writing, publishing my thoughts and views into articles on my websites than posting them on my social media platforms. I don’t know exactly who reads my articles as website analytics can only give you quantitative data. With the current digital and social media consumption turning humans with a goldfish memory.

For those who faithfully read till the end of my article, thank you for reading, I truly appreciate your support!

* A TGH Photography x Canon EOS R6 Mark II Explorer Series Production *

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