Updates, Thoughts and Views on 1st May 2022 Labour Day

ByGeng Hui

May 1, 2022 #15 years of photography and travel portal/blog, #26th April 2022 - A major milestone for Singapore in the battle against COVID-19, #blog, #Blogging Business, #Business Travel, #Content, #Content Creator, #Content Creators, #COVID-19, #COVID-19 Countries Lockdown, #Covid-19 fatigue, #COVID-19 Global Pandemic, #COVID-19 Situation, #COVID-19 Travel Advisory, #COVID-19 Vaccination, #COVID-19 virus, #Digital Content, #Dreams, #Friendship, #Future Cities, #Future Enterprises, #Future Living, #Future of Work, #Future Workplace, #gadgets, #Goals, #Happiness, #Hokkaido Travel Photography, #Hybrid Future of Work, #Impacts of COVID19 on mental health, #Information Technology, #Inspirational, #Internet Marketing, #kindness, #Life Experiences, #Looking Beyond the COVID-19 Situation, #Motivation, #Online Marketing, #Pass It On, #Pay It Forward, #Personal, #Personal Development, #Personal Stories, #Personal Updates, #photography, #photography + creative / digital agency, #Photography Business, #Post Covid-19 hybrid work environments, #Post Covid-19 new normal working environment, #Reflections, #Restart Tourism, #Restarting Travel and Tourism, #Singapore, #Social Media Networking, #Social Networking, #Tan Geng Hui Photography, #TanGengHui Photography, #Technology, #Technology Writer, #TGH Photography and Travel Portal/Blog, #Thoughts, #Training, #Travel and Tourism Public Relations, #Travel Blog, #Travel Photography, #Travel Reportage, #Travel Writer, #Travel Writing, #Updates, #Updates| Thoughts and Views on 1st May 2022 Labour Day, #Visual Storyteller, #Writer

It’s Sunday 1st May 2022, start of a new month in the midst of a long weekend here in Singapore with Hari Raya Puasa public holiday on Tuesday 3rd May 2022. If you have been following and reading my portal/blog for a while, you would know I would break my technology and business media news coverage with personal updates, reflections, thoughts and views on personal matters and other areas. Here’s me starting off the month of May, on a long weekend break with something different – Updates, Thoughts and Views on 1st May 2022 Labour Day.

Call for media pitches: Special Theme Q2 2022 – Fully Restarting Tourism

First and foremost, a major update for my TGH Photography and Travel portal/blog. I am inviting a call for media pitches: Special Theme Q2 2022 – Fully Restarting Tourism. The world is opening up their borders, lowering/removing the travel restrictions. This reopening/restarting is not immediate, it would need a bit of time to ramp up resources, training, planning and getting hands on again.

More information on this media pitch can be read here!

Photography Business

An area of concern as this is not picking up as fast as I would like it to be. I would relook into this from both internal and external factors/environments, what I am currently doing, planning and in relation with my other areas of work/other business.

Social Media Marketing

I entered into this sector with high hopes that I would do alright at the start. However, I was taken aback in the wide scope, requirements and expectations for this field of work, this was much harder than I initially thought and expect.

Hard and harsh lessons learnt, now to continue adapting and changing to implement and combine all elements of my photography, videography, writing, content creation and all things social media/digital marketing together, more efficiently and effectively.

Oh yes, throw in “You have to be a designer/graphic artist” as well.

Other Business Interests

I have always been on the lookout for other business interests, finding opportunities to invest or work in them. I can’t say much more due to business sensitivity and privacy. When the time is ripe, I would share more.

Content Creation / Writer’s World

Content creation and writing, on both personal and professional basis, have opened many journeys, avenues, social media platforms and friendships that I never dreamt about. My second photography zine is undergoing review, edit and amendments, there should be an official announcement coming in later part of May 2022.

On a personal note

We are finally opening up, from the economy, borders and travel, to our daily living. We all want a full return back to normal life again soon, will we be the same as before? I am not too sure whether we can still return back to those pre-pandemic days. How would the new future of work and living turn out, I do not know.

I am planning to consolidate my stories, thoughts, feelings and emotions that I went through during this global pandemic period (from 2020), my visual stories and my photographs, before giving a deep thought on my next course of action.

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