Another new year has begun, it’s now year 2025. Starting off this new year on with my regular workflow of preparations, planning, reflections and review of Year 2024 that took place in December 2024 prior to planning, strategising and writing down my Yearly Theme 2025 (Technology | Business | Personal) at the start of the year 2025.
The time is now for me to share my Yearly Theme 2025 (Technology | Business | Personal), that would set the foundations and directions for my TGH Technology and Business portal/blog for this year 2025.
Why use a Yearly Theme? How to Choose a Yearly Theme?
I am inspired by Fernando Gros “How to choose a Yearly Theme”, this is my 6th year writing and announcing a Yearly Theme (since 2020), an approach that I personally feel that it’s more forward looking for a new future, a new era of working, thinking and how we connect as an individual, as a collective, society and the world. It’s not that goal settings or setting resolutions are no longer popular or useful, they still have a purpose and it still works for some people or industries.
Recap of previous Yearly Themes
Before I announce my Yearly Theme 2023 for my technology, business and personal, let me bring you back in time, looking at my previous Yearly Themes through a recap below:
- Year 2020: Striving to Excel
- Year 2021: Recovery and Rejuvenation
- Year 2022: Onward
- Year 2023: Transform
- Year 2024: Transcend
Yearly Theme 2025 (Technology | Business | Personal) – “Think”
Now, announcing my Yearly Theme 2024 (Technology | Business | Personal) – “Think”
Why “Think”?
As someone who is known to think a lot and goes deep into it, this might come as a surprise. From a technology and business perspectives, I feel that I need to go deeper into the areas that I am working, think further, think wider, out of the box. As from my personal perspective, I have to think about how I want to manage my inner peace and zen.
Think and Ruminate into Future of Technology, Future of AI and Beyond
The current generation and beyond are fuelled by technology and gadgets, what would be the future of technology be like, with AI taking on bigger roles and things on both personal and business levels? How would new technology advancements impact us in both positive and negative ways? Would we fear more or would we embrace more willingly? Would be we slowing down due to social media/digital/AI fatigue, returning back to some parts analogue/old school?
How would each different generations cope, adapt and adopt further in the future of technology, future of AI and beyond? Starting off to think and ruminate into future of technology, future of AI and beyond.
Think wider and further on a slowing and difficult economy, challenges and constraints
We are facing a slowing and difficult economy, together with other different challenges and constraints. Economic growth would be slower and smaller, competition is more intense and throw in a smaller pie to share around, this would get even tougher.
How can I diversify my portfolio of professional services beyond photography, content creation and writing? I have already started to think wider and further, working on some plans.
Ponder on social media marketing and content creation
Over the years, building up my social media marketing and content creation, time to ponder and think about how can I bring my social media marketing and content creation to another level, that can complement my photography services and writing?
Contemplate on personal social media, privacy, inner peace and avoiding judgments
Life is never easy, smooth and straightforward, it’s full of ups and downs, sometimes like a rollercoaster. Friends or family, can be judgmental at times, even though they have some good intentions. People outside of this circle, they can be much worse.
While I have to be on social media for both marketing and branding awareness, I would avoid overusing or overdoing it, maintaining privacy, as well my inner peace and avoiding judgements.
The world is not easy to live in, it can be really stressful and pressurising.
Let’s be nice, let’s not be judgemental.
Yearly Theme 2025 (Photography | Travel | Creative | Heritage) – “Create”
As for my core/main focus of business interest, TGH Photography business, together with my TGH Photography and Travel portal/blog, I have chosen my Yearly Theme 2025 (Photography | Travel | Creative | Heritage) to be “Create”. I would like to invite you to hop over to my other website and have a read!
Join me in my “Think” + “Create” journeys in 2025
To my networks in the technology, business and social media marketing sectors, I would like to invite you to join me in my “Think” journeys in 2025, let’s work closer together for more in-depth, meaningful and powerful stories, on both visual storytelling and social media.
My 2025 yearly themes of “Think” + “Create do sound like a nice combination, after going through some intense and in-depth searching, reflecting and planning. I wasn’t planning to put both themes together in such a manner, I was initially working on a specific theme each for my key two sectors.
Time to kickstart “Think” + “Create” 2025!
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
To my family, relatives, friends, followers and supporters who supported me through my visual storytelling, photography, technology writing, social media marketing, especially those that make the effort to read, not assuming thinking you know everything about me, or my business model operations, and making the effort to know more and understand, without judgement or putting me down, I sincerely thank you for your support and encouragement!