Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2008 !
Dear Folks, Wishing all of you a Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2008 ! Thank You everybody for all your support of my photojournalism and personal blogs. May the Year…
Chinese Lunar Calender Day 30
The last day of the Chinese Lunar Calender, before the “Change of Command” parade …… welcoming the Year of the Rat. I need to settle administrative matters for my corporate…
Entering into February 2008 + Updates
The month of January 2008 recently finished. It was a hectic month for the start of the Year 2008, extensive training sessions by different organisations, building up my entrepreneur business,…
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification
Hi folks, For my social networking and social bookmarking community, MyBlogLog. Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification Cheers JH
A Wedding Dinner + Quotes of Appreciation & Friendship
Recently, I attended my old UQ friend/housemate, Matthew’s solemnisation and wedding dinner on 26th January 2008, with his lovely partner, Chen Mei. It was a great honour and I was…
“The Biggest Failure is the Failure to Take Action”
Today, I went for another seminar, on a new product launch and marketing campaign for the Year 2008. Another significant event at this seminar was a session given by Adam…
Thank You For Being My Friend !
Thank you for believing in me when I found it difficult to believe in myself… for saying what I’ve needed to hear sometimes, instead of what I’ve wanted to hear….…
Fresh Start, New Beginning ! Act Now !
Whenever at the start of a new year, how many of us would sit down alone, or with people, and write down their resolutions for the year ahead ? Or…
Strategic Planning for 2008
In life, we have always been taught to plan for almost everything, either in schools or by our parents. Over the years, as I gained in years of experience of…
A Thanks to All + Motivational Quote
First & foremost, I would like to thank all readers who have dropped by my blog and especially those who left a “mark” here on my blog with their kind…